Saturday, September 27, 2008
You leave me speechless.
I'm bored.
And kind of annoyed with a few people.
Okay, one person.
And they don't even know it.
I hate hate hate the different time zones, why can't there just be ONE?! Ughhh.
It's been football season, yay. I'm enjoying it so far.
Hahahaha at Tom Brady getting hurt. Woo.
And hahahaha at the Dolphins beating the Patriots. I love the Dolphins...well, okay not really. But they're cool.
My super bowl choices (so farrr) are the: Panthers, Jets, Giants, Steelers, and Eagles. I hate the Eagles, but heyyy!
So yeah, go Steelers. (:
Eli Manning is...really..cute. :)
I also got two new Steeler jerseysss, yippieeee.
I'm boreddd!
Okay that's enough for now.
Byeee. :)
Monday, August 18, 2008
Cherry chapstick.
OMG: So I don't write on here often anymore. Haha.
Yesterdayyyyyyyyy I went to Kennywood. Only went on one ride (The thunderbolt), but I played a bunch of games. It was fun.
Today I'm going to the CD store to get some new music. I'm thinking Metro Station, Kanye West, & Katy about you? Hah.
I bought an REO speedwagon CD the other
My dad bought me a new Sony walkman because my MP3 broke. Haha. I like this one so much better though, it's pink/silverrr.
I also got a new hair straightener. My hair is so long now. :)
Okay so, uh yeah. That's all. Byee.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Pretty please.
I've been eating a lot, but not gaining any pounds....hmmm.
My dad finally bought smoothie stuff, yayyy.
My MP3 broke, I miss my Kanye West songs!!! Ughhh, but other than that, I (mostly) can listen to my CDs...they were all on there.
Mmmmkay peace. :)
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Green grass.
I'm watching a shot at love, the first's old. Haha. I love this show. It's like so........well, fake though. I don't know. Hahahahahahhaha. I wonder where my kitty Bubbles is....hmmmm.
I've been eating a lot latley, mmmmmm I just ate pizza rolls too....I want some pop.
Okay, I'm bored and I wanted to post once more before this month is overrr.
So see you in Augusttt. :)
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
I came here to kick some ass tonight.
On the 27th I saw step brothers. It was so funny.
On the 28th (Jackie'sss birthday) I went to the zoo with her and Vickieeee.
On the 29th, which was yesterday I went to warped tour. And saw cobra starship (4th time) and the academy is (3rd time) and other people like Katy Perry.
I got cobra starship shorts, they're blue and say cobra starship on the left and on the back they say "kiss my sass" I looove those shortsss. :)
Anyhooooo!!!! Today I'm finally just staying home...yayyy okay bye. :)
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Christmas in July.
It's, yayyy email me. :)
Okay!! So I went to have Christmas in July at Slippery Rock, PA. My aunts husbands mum lives there. She has such a nice camp up there, eeeeee it's so cute.
It was fun. :)
I went golfing with my two....'cousins'....(aka my aunts husbands daughters) Brittttany & Alexaaa. I won. It was easy. Ha.
I'm sooo tired....serrrrrrrrrrrrrriously. I'm laying in bed typing on my cell phone while watching game shows with a glass of pepsi. Woooo.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Laker Land.
We were in this store and they had mini pom poms, you can clip them on stuff. I bought a pair of purple/gold ones...I put one on my keychain and I'll put the other one on the mirror in my car.[:
When I was buying them there was a guy and girl and they both asked "Are they your school colors?" and I just said "Uh, no. I just really like the Lakers..." and they laughed and just were like "Ohh, yeah. The Lakers..." hehehe.
Other than that, me & Libbbbby went to the gym...ha, we got in for free. It was pretty fun. And then we saw a movie called "American teen", it was realllllly good. :)
Alright, well...I'm sleepy so I'm gunna go. Goodbyeee. :)
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Hot. Summer. Days.
Sooo here's what happened in Florida...
A few bad things:
-My brother getting jacked and stabbed for his shoes.
-My mum spilling water on my new phone, but it works
-Stomach & arm pain!!!!!!!!!!! Ugh.
-Nothing good on TV.
A few fun (or good) things:
-Nice hotel.
-IHOP!!! Yummmm.
-Seeing dolphins out in the ocean.
-Long beach walks.
-Feeding the birds on the beach.
-St. Augustine.
I'm laying in bed, watching the soup...with Bubbles (my kitty cattt:)) I wanna go somewhere today. Don't know.
Byeee. :)
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
I think you're ugly on the inside.
I'm sitting on the hotels deck...bored.
Listening to my iPod and lurking online.
The beach is wonderful.
I got to tell somebody that I bleed black and gold before.
Random update.
Okayyy! Bye. :)
Sunday, July 13, 2008
North Carolina.
I'm in North Carolina...right now. We slept over here at some hotel....haha. It was fun.
So far we drove through West Virginia & Virgina.
So far, I'm not missing home. I just miss my two cats and my doggie.
North Carolina is prettyyyy. :)
We ate at hardees yesterday WV, it was goooood. I ate a cheeseburger and a few fries. Right now, I'm hungry. I have a red Slush puppie...mmmm.
It's 8:41 am...and I'm gunna go. Okay byeee.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Florida = Tomorrrrrow! :)
I'm leaving around 5 pm, driving to either VA or NC and sleeping over at a hotel, then waking up and driving the rest, to Daytona Beach.
I got a new Sidekick!!!! I'm so happy about that.
I'm updating on it.
Today I went to the mall and got shoes. I got Jordan's, they're nice and cozy. They were uhhh......$65. Yeah, I'm wearing them tomorrowwww.
I'm watching the Maury show, hahahaaaa. People are retardeddd.
I gotta pee.
Peace outttt. I'll update at the hotel at night, and on the way down...and like every day I'm in Florida, plus the ride yayyy!! Now that I have a normal sidekick, I can update while I'm down there, my computer is jacked up too, so I am not bringing it there. Hahaha. Okayyy. Byeeee. :)
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Puirty '08.

Anyways, I went shopping yesterday forrrrrrr.....Florda, aaah. I shopped at H&M, Forever 21, and American Eagle. AE, my my, I am not preppy, I just like the clothes. Morons.
So I've noticed a lot of people have been viewing this...that's very cool of you.
I don't allow comments, but if you have something to say email me at: Israddddd@aol, or I.M me, my screen names in my profile...but I am not on AIM often, so it'll be hard. It's better to email me. I have a fast reply. :)
I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have a new style by the end of the Summer...the clothes I bought were clothes I wouldn't buy this time last year. It's cooooool.
MARIAN HOSSA, he left the Penguins. What a jerk. He also went to the team that beat the Penguins in the finals (The fagggggot wings), jerk jerk jerk. I liked him...but now, I don't.
Forget him.
Almost every morning I am going to the park to play basketball, it's my new hobby. I need a new basketball though, because mine is not the best right now.
Basketball is so much fun. :D
Okay, I'm gunna something.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Jinx me something crazy.
I just got back from the park...
I love that sport, so much.
Dispite Pittsburgh only having a NCAA Basketball team and not an NBA one, I love my Lakers...and my Pitt Panthers.

Kristy posted a bulletin...and it read:
Okay........I so take her side. But I do like Tila. MTV is all fake. Take my word for it. Haha.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
It's over...or is it?

Red wings, red wings, red wings, red wings...actually. No. NOT THE TEAM.
They're freggin fans. I do not suport your team...I don't care how many Stanley cups you have. GET OVER IT. God, it seems like you're more happy about the penguins' lose then your dumb teams win with their ugly logo. ^

Philly Flyers have no room to talk about the city of Pittsburgh. It's annoying. You say it's the worst city in the world, even though it was rated best city to live in. SHUT UP. And your logo is ugly as well...^

Penguins traded Ryan Malone and Gary Roberts to Tampa, FL. :/
Atleast the penguins have a nice logo, haha. :D ^
Scary news...
A 17-year old boy got decapitated at six flags in Georgia on Saturday, which was yesterday..the 28th, of June 2008. That means his head got cut off...
No that is not a picture of it happening, just a picture of the ride.
He lost his hat on the ride and wanted to get it.
He jumped over two six foot fenses.
Then he got struck by the ride. He was the only one that was hurt though, actually he wasn't even hurt...he just died right away, his head got knocked right off...
I mean, come on. I'm sure there were signs that said "WARNING, DO NOT ENTER" or something like that. Just follow the rules. Take my advice, and please never do something so stupid like that.
BUT - I am not done yet!
Remember LAST June (2007) that girl rode the Superman ride in Kentucky at the six flags there? Her feet got cut off.
Thank God she lived. But still there is NO REASON why at all her feet should have been cut off. Poor girl. She was, I believe 13, so now she's 14. Sucks so bad. What is the world comming to? Actually, not the world. SIX FLAGS. If you're planning a trip, please mark six flags LAST on your list of choices.
Also a few others got hurt on that ride.
Also...I wanna finish off with this other thing.
I live in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. We have a park, that is kind of like six flags, but it's called Kennywood...we have two rides that are just like those two.
But I actually trust our two rides. Anyways here are the pictures...
That^ is what used to be called the Steel Phantom, it was like the Batman ride. Now they changed it, it no longer goes upside down or is also green, there for, it looks like this;

It is also called the Phantoms Revenge now. It's a good roller coaster. Fun too.
And I'll tell you this right now, there ARE warning signs and do not enter signs.
And next...we have the Pitt Fall, which is basically Supermans twin....

I only rode it a total of three times, maybe four...
Need I say more? No. Okay bye.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Top 10 reasons why you shouldn't buy a Sidekick3.

Never buy the Sidekick 3, used, not used, brand new, anyway.
Here's why.
1. The screen is retarded.
2. The colors get jacked up.
3. The buttons get screwed up and switch places with each other, if you know what I mean.
4. The service sucks.
5. Sure, there's a keyboard. But you can't text.
6. There's a such thing called the Sidekick Slide...the Sidekick 3 should be called the Sidekick Slide though because the screen just seems to slide right off it's stopping point.
7. YES! You can have a 3 word password to get on it. But you must type it in 7,231 times for it to actually go through.
8. Internet? Who needs it when you can just get dial-up...sure dial-up takes long, but not as long as the Sidekick 3's internet.
9. Take pictures, even though they come out green and take about 20 seconds AFTER you press the button.
10. Ready for a road trip? Well, charge your phone a year BEFORE you it'll actually stay charged.
Take my word for it.
Email me at: because I am bored and annoyed ANDDDDDD yes that's my Sidekick's email.
Okay. Well...bye.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Sorry I didn't post in.. hmm almost a week. I was on lock down!
Okay, no I wasn't.
Just busy.

I really wanna lay out by the pooooooool (and ocean) ehh.
With you knowww...good seafood...smoothies, cell phone, ha...some magazines...just whatever.
It's been storming up here all day and the power went out three times.
Hahahhaha when it did, before at like 3 am I went in my living room where my brother was and and we couldn't see so I went to light a candel, but it was white so I said "WAIT!" and he said "WHAT?!" and I said "It's white..." and he was like "Soooooo...?" hahahahah then I said "You're never supposed to light a white candel. That calls ghosts" and he was like "....Got another candle?" hahahah we found a green one. Aaaaaaahhhh ahhhaha hahaa.
EVERYTIME I update this I'm freggin HUNGRY. Geeeeez. It's almost 5 am and I gotta go (not really but I want to, I don't know...Roseanne is on)....Byebyeeeeee.

Saturday, June 21, 2008
Today was odd...I ate at Eat'n Park. Ew. Haha. I had a vanilla milkshake. It was good....until my mum said "You know what would be the nastiest ice cream flavor?" and I asked "Waaaaah?" and she said "Hot dog flavored." EWWWWWWWWWW, AAAAAAAAAHHH.
Then we were joking around and saying all these other flavors that would be nasty too. Haha.

So the NHL draft was...last night and this morning.
Steve Stamkos went first...
It's funny when you're watching drafts and stuff and see people looking all cocky like "Yeah, I'm getting picked next." HAHAHA.Me & My parents made fun of a lot of people on there....lameee. Haha.
The penguins have choosen a few people. I only got to see one though. Sucks. I'm curious! Hahahaha.
They didn't get to pick until 120.
ANDDDDDDD I saw all of the 847823928 people that got drafted for the was...I don't know. Hahah shut uppp.
If you haven't seen this video you should watch ittt.;;
If you have seen it then watch it again.
Hahahahahahha. :)
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Good day...
Today was oddly fun.
Even though I didn't get STARBUCKS like I wanted to.

I went to the Olive Garden today, it was was good.
Uhhh I had Calamari, Alfredo, & Salad...
I went with my mum & dad.
Haha. This baby kept on screaming and crying...yeah it was annoying.

Jamie Lynn Spears had her baby today, aw aw awwwwww.
She had a girl and named her Maddie Briann.
I wonder what she looks like.
Haha, you know we'll all know soon enough.
Watching High School stories, it's weird......but I like that show. :)
They're talking about how they changed their grades...I once changed a E to a B.
Hahahaha, my grandma actually helped me do it.
But that was in 3rd grade and I'm now going into grade 10.
So it was a long time ago and my parents laugh about it now.
Okay that's all for now...
I'm going to marry him;

Forreallll. Watch out.
Okay byeee. ((:
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
TV. Whaaaat.

The Celtics beat the Lakers. Everyone is done until next year...I'm gunna miss Pau Gasol, poor him on the Lakers and they lost. Sashaaaaaaaaaaaa. AAAAAAAAAH.
I liked the final 3.
Though, if you're smart you'd know that that choice was very obvious and predictable.

The dude from Ohio.
That got punched in the face and broke his jaw.
The High School football coach.
The....yeah just the guy.
She's a bisexual girl....who likes to ice skate....a model.....
Uhm, actually I don't know many things about her or Bo.
My tummy hurtssss=[......a little bit.
I drank about 4 cans of pop this morning, awkward, I sure do drink a lot though.
I gotta go. Byeee. [:
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Good Morninggg. :)

Hi people.
I didn't post yesterday...wooooops.
Sooo anywaysss, yesterday and the day before that I slept over my grandmas house.
At around 11:00 yesterday morning or something I went down South Side with Jackieee and Vickieee.
We stalked Max Talbot's house (XD) and umm...yeah. He wasn't home...and thank GOD he wasn't hahahaha.
Summer should actually be kind of know swimming, smoothies, shorts, Florida, staying out late, umm yeahhhhh joy. Haha. Pffft Winter is still better and more...cozy, haha.
People in California are always like "OMG!!!! SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", but it's like always Summer there...hmmm retarded.
I'm hungry! Aaaaaaaaah, why? I don't know. Actually, I'm not that hungry. My grandma made me Mac&Cheese and then my grandpap drove me home...and it's past 9:00 in the morning sooo I don't know.
Raviolis sound nice right now...hmmmm yeah I'll make them in a few minutes.
I hate how nothing is on tv in the morning...okay I'm done. :)
Bye! Tchau! Ciao! Au revoir ! ¡Adiós! Tschüs! Покa! Tot ziens!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
5:00 am.

I can't believe this year is already six months in.
Ohhhh so I am going to Florida, on Julyyyyyy 13th. Hehe yayy. I was just there in April, woahhh. I'm so excited. I wanna go to target, I have no idea why though.
It's so foggy out and it scared Bubbles (my kitty=)) so he's in my room with me.
Hahaha, okay we're gunna go get something to eat (andddd drinkkk) soo...
Byeeeeeeeeeeee. [:
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Feeling this?

Hii people. It's....5:36 am(Eastern time) and I'm bored. Hahaha. I'm choosing to sleep my Summer away, I cannot wait until it's FALL. I'm homeschooled anyways.
Summers too hot...and I hate the heat, loooooove the snow though. Sooo I washed my hair before, it feels nice :D But it's turning light Hah. This lame Summer I plan on going back to Florida (I was just there in April) if not Florida then Virginia beach or somewhere with a beach. Because I am from Pittsburgh, beach here, just hills, bridges, and trees...but I like it :D I had glasses on for two weeks now, it's a record...well I've been wearing glasses since I was six or seven, but this is the first time in a long time I've had my glasses on for over a week. No more contacts? Well, I'll be getting some. Not sure when though. I'm listening to blink 182, well atleast I juuuust was hahaaaaahahaha. I'm also very hungry, seriously. I stayed up all night, doing nothing at all. I just listened to music and watched youtube videos. Random videos. Hahah I love random videos! Anyways. It was storming last night, yikesss. I was scareddd. It didn't last too long. It probably went up to New York or Erie or somewhere. I want a Jones Soda....the blue one. I miss Christmas and Winter:/ Hahaha, favoriteeeeeee time of the year. Other than all of that, I haven't really done anything sorry if I bore anybody, that is if anyone is reading this.:)