Sorry I didn't post in.. hmm almost a week. I was on lock down!
Okay, no I wasn't.
Just busy.

I really wanna lay out by the pooooooool (and ocean) ehh.
With you knowww...good seafood...smoothies, cell phone, ha...some magazines...just whatever.
It's been storming up here all day and the power went out three times.
Hahahhaha when it did, before at like 3 am I went in my living room where my brother was and and we couldn't see so I went to light a candel, but it was white so I said "WAIT!" and he said "WHAT?!" and I said "It's white..." and he was like "Soooooo...?" hahahahah then I said "You're never supposed to light a white candel. That calls ghosts" and he was like "....Got another candle?" hahahah we found a green one. Aaaaaaahhhh ahhhaha hahaa.
EVERYTIME I update this I'm freggin HUNGRY. Geeeeez. It's almost 5 am and I gotta go (not really but I want to, I don't know...Roseanne is on)....Byebyeeeeee.