Today was odd...I ate at Eat'n Park. Ew. Haha. I had a vanilla milkshake. It was good....until my mum said "You know what would be the nastiest ice cream flavor?" and I asked "Waaaaah?" and she said "Hot dog flavored." EWWWWWWWWWW, AAAAAAAAAHHH.
Then we were joking around and saying all these other flavors that would be nasty too. Haha.

So the NHL draft was...last night and this morning.
Steve Stamkos went first...
It's funny when you're watching drafts and stuff and see people looking all cocky like "Yeah, I'm getting picked next." HAHAHA.Me & My parents made fun of a lot of people on there....lameee. Haha.
The penguins have choosen a few people. I only got to see one though. Sucks. I'm curious! Hahahaha.
They didn't get to pick until 120.
ANDDDDDDD I saw all of the 847823928 people that got drafted for the was...I don't know. Hahah shut uppp.
If you haven't seen this video you should watch ittt.;;
If you have seen it then watch it again.
Hahahahahahha. :)