Hi people.
I didn't post yesterday...wooooops.
Sooo anywaysss, yesterday and the day before that I slept over my grandmas house.
At around 11:00 yesterday morning or something I went down South Side with Jackieee and Vickieee.
We stalked Max Talbot's house (XD) and umm...yeah. He wasn't home...and thank GOD he wasn't hahahaha.
Summer should actually be kind of fun...you know swimming, smoothies, shorts, Florida, staying out late, umm yeahhhhh joy. Haha. Pffft Winter is still better and more...cozy, haha.
People in California are always like "OMG!!!! SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", but it's like always Summer there...hmmm retarded.
I'm hungry! Aaaaaaaaah, why? I don't know. Actually, I'm not that hungry. My grandma made me Mac&Cheese and then my grandpap drove me home...and it's past 9:00 in the morning sooo I don't know.
Raviolis sound nice right now...hmmmm yeah I'll make them in a few minutes.
I hate how nothing is on tv in the morning...okay I'm done. :)
Bye! Tchau! Ciao! Au revoir ! ¡Adiós! Tschüs! Покa! Tot ziens!