Never buy the Sidekick 3, used, not used, brand new, anyway.
Here's why.
1. The screen is retarded.
2. The colors get jacked up.
3. The buttons get screwed up and switch places with each other, if you know what I mean.
4. The service sucks.
5. Sure, there's a keyboard. But you can't text.
6. There's a such thing called the Sidekick Slide...the Sidekick 3 should be called the Sidekick Slide though because the screen just seems to slide right off it's stopping point.
7. YES! You can have a 3 word password to get on it. But you must type it in 7,231 times for it to actually go through.
8. Internet? Who needs it when you can just get dial-up...sure dial-up takes long, but not as long as the Sidekick 3's internet.
9. Take pictures, even though they come out green and take about 20 seconds AFTER you press the button.
10. Ready for a road trip? Well, charge your phone a year BEFORE you go...so it'll actually stay charged.
Take my word for it.
Email me at: Amararad@tmail.com because I am bored and annoyed ANDDDDDD yes that's my Sidekick's email.
Okay. Well...bye.