Red wings, red wings, red wings, red wings...actually. No. NOT THE TEAM.
They're freggin fans. I do not suport your team...I don't care how many Stanley cups you have. GET OVER IT. God, it seems like you're more happy about the penguins' lose then your dumb teams win with their ugly logo. ^

Philly Flyers fans....you have no room to talk about the city of Pittsburgh. It's annoying. You say it's the worst city in the world, even though it was rated best city to live in. SHUT UP. And your logo is ugly as well...^

Penguins traded Ryan Malone and Gary Roberts to Tampa, FL. :/
Atleast the penguins have a nice logo, haha. :D ^
Scary news...
A 17-year old boy got decapitated at six flags in Georgia on Saturday, which was yesterday..the 28th, of June 2008. That means his head got cut off...
No that is not a picture of it happening, just a picture of the ride.
He lost his hat on the ride and wanted to get it.
He jumped over two six foot fenses.
Then he got struck by the ride. He was the only one that was hurt though, actually he wasn't even hurt...he just died right away, his head got knocked right off...
I mean, come on. I'm sure there were signs that said "WARNING, DO NOT ENTER" or something like that. Just follow the rules. Take my advice, and please never do something so stupid like that.
BUT - I am not done yet!
Remember LAST June (2007) that girl rode the Superman ride in Kentucky at the six flags there? Her feet got cut off.
Thank God she lived. But still there is NO REASON why at all her feet should have been cut off. Poor girl. She was, I believe 13, so now she's 14. Sucks so bad. What is the world comming to? Actually, not the world. SIX FLAGS. If you're planning a trip, please mark six flags LAST on your list of choices.
Also a few others got hurt on that ride.
Also...I wanna finish off with this other thing.
I live in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. We have a park, that is kind of like six flags, but it's called Kennywood...we have two rides that are just like those two.
But I actually trust our two rides. Anyways here are the pictures...
That^ is what used to be called the Steel Phantom, it was like the Batman ride. Now they changed it, it no longer goes upside down or anything...it is also green, there for, it looks like this;

It is also called the Phantoms Revenge now. It's a good roller coaster. Fun too.
And I'll tell you this right now, there ARE warning signs and do not enter signs.
And next...we have the Pitt Fall, which is basically Supermans twin....

I only rode it a total of three times, maybe four...
Need I say more? No. Okay bye.