Today was oddly fun.
Even though I didn't get STARBUCKS like I wanted to.

I went to the Olive Garden today, it was was good.
Uhhh I had Calamari, Alfredo, & Salad...
I went with my mum & dad.
Haha. This baby kept on screaming and crying...yeah it was annoying.

Jamie Lynn Spears had her baby today, aw aw awwwwww.
She had a girl and named her Maddie Briann.
I wonder what she looks like.
Haha, you know we'll all know soon enough.
Watching High School stories, it's weird......but I like that show. :)
They're talking about how they changed their grades...I once changed a E to a B.
Hahahaha, my grandma actually helped me do it.
But that was in 3rd grade and I'm now going into grade 10.
So it was a long time ago and my parents laugh about it now.
Okay that's all for now...
I'm going to marry him;

Forreallll. Watch out.
Okay byeee. ((: