I just got back from the park...
I played basketball for almost 2 hours.
I love that sport, so much.
Dispite Pittsburgh only having a NCAA Basketball team and not an NBA one, I love my Lakers...and my Pitt Panthers.
I love that sport, so much.
Dispite Pittsburgh only having a NCAA Basketball team and not an NBA one, I love my Lakers...and my Pitt Panthers.

They're going to go allllll the way next year/season. Watch out. :)
OMG. Is that show fake or huhh?
Geeeeez. She picked Kristy...
A girl this time, last time she picked Bobby (I'm not posting a picture of him, sorry) and he said she never even called him. HMMMM curious....
Kristy posted a bulletin...and it read:
Kristy posted a bulletin...and it read:
Tila is hypocrite!!!! she broke 58 peoples hearsts one after another saying the same shit "im falling love with brittany" and i love lisa.... and then bye bye..tila got to know people and lead them on, but i was honest about how I felt the whole day bascially telling her im not ready she still gave me the key! HELLO if she was really looking for love why didnt she pick the one that loved her...BO???TILA is a hypocrite!!what goes around comes around!!!!!
a fan just wrote this and makes so much sense
Well I say good for you! The thing that got me about it was how she was all shocked and judging you, Look at all the people she's hurt over the last two seasons of this show, and the shit she's made them do...I'm sorry but eating a pig vagina is not the first thing thats pops into my mind when I want someone to prove their love for me. She made herself seem so selfish on the show this season she wanted everyone to just fall in love with her and her get to pick them off one by one and make them do childish things for "alone time" and honestly I think she was more hurt and embarassed she got turned down on her own damn show then all upset from a broken heart. I like that you were honest you seem like a good person with a good heart.
I DID NOT WRITE ANY OF THAT, It was Kristy....and a fan.
Okay........I so take her side. But I do like Tila. MTV is all fake. Take my word for it. Haha.
Okay........I so take her side. But I do like Tila. MTV is all fake. Take my word for it. Haha.
Okay, I'm gunna go and listen to music. Byeee!